
2024年3月20日—Onlycachefilesolderthanthespecifiedlifespanwillbedeleted.Acronjobwillruneveryhourtocheckwhichfilesshouldbedeleted.New ...,2023年3月14日—Noncescanonlybeusedonce(hence“nonce”),andtheyareonlyvalidforacertainlengthoftime:12hoursbydefault,butdeveloperscan ...,2024年5月9日—ThedefaultvalueforCacheLifespanis10hours.ThedefaultvalueischosentoavoidanyissueswithWordPressnoncesonyourpages.See...

How often is the cache cleared?

2024年3月20日 — Only cache files older than the specified lifespan will be deleted. A cron job will run every hour to check which files should be deleted. New ...

Nonces and Cache Lifespan

2023年3月14日 — Nonces can only be used once (hence “n once”), and they are only valid for a certain length of time: 12 hours by default, but developers can ...

Cache Lifespan

2024年5月9日 — The default value for Cache Lifespan is 10 hours. The default value is chosen to avoid any issues with WordPress nonces on your pages. See our ...

What is cache lifespan? - WP

The cache lifespan option is set to 10 hours by default, but you may have go down to 8 or even less. A lower cache lifespan value will result in more frequent ...

Cache lifespan cannot be set below 10 minutes #2202

2019年12月18日 — A cache cleared each 5 minutes, it's like never having cache. WP Rocket is just totally useless here. If for an edge case a user needs to do ...

WP Rocket Review [2021]

2024年1月24日 — Cache Lifespan → You can set lifespan in hours and if you want the cache lifetime to be unlimited, then set it to 0. # File Optimization. Next, ...

Optimization with WP Rocket

Cache Expiration and Regeneration: When the cache expires (based on the lifespan set in WP Rocket settings), the stored version of the page is deleted. The ...

WP Rocket 外掛教學:快取(Cache) 功能設定

2022年12月29日 — 如果勾選這個選項,會為每位網站的會員建立一份專屬的快取(Cache) 檔案,數量視乎你的總會員人數。 快取生命週期(Cache Lifespan) 設定.

WP Rocket

2024年2月14日 — Cache lifespan (10 hours). To boost your performance a little more and go further, you will need to use the “bonus” options. You will find them ...

Best practices for WP Rocket plugin configuration

2023年9月1日 — On the first page, cache, the default settings are good except for one. Cache Lifespan is set to 10 hours which is the default. This should be ...